Friday, July 11, 2008

Seizures and the No-Go

At a recent doctor's visit I found out that my medical situation makes a healthy pregnancy highly improbable. If I want to remain seizure free by continuing to take anti-convulsants, there is a very high risk of the most horrifying birth defects. As my seizures are really violent and really long (2-8mins), pregnancy off the anti-convulsants risks serious physical harm to the child. I have other medical difficulties as well, and everything just gets more and more complicated.

Therefore, a no-go.

I guess people deal with this kind of thing all the time.

1 comment:

KarolinaTrojanowiczBarry said...

Not only is it a devastating situation, it is not fair. But, I hope you know that it is not your fault or anything of your making, nor is it anything you deserve. It just sucks.
I am sorry, but know you are loved immensely and when you find a way it will be more than you could imagine.